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Elvis Duran Plays Phone Tap From Listener's Late Father

This week Elvis Duran and the Morning Show received an email from a longtime listener about a phone tap done several years ago.

Here’s what it said:

Dear Elvis, my father passed away suddenly on Sunday and I’m having a hard time with this. We actually did a phone tap with Skeery on my father back in 2006 or 2007. We were pretending a guy was at my apartment and wouldn’t leave so my father showed up to beat him up. We had to pretend he left, then he gave us this line ‘you’ll be pushing up daisies’ and I don’t know if you can find this phone tap or not but I was hoping you can play it on my way back on Wednesday if you could. I’d love to hear his voice one more time.

After reading this email our show knew we needed to help Lauren out with finding this phone tap and playing it once again to honor her late father.

Because Lauren’s father had recently passed away, this phone tap held a special place in her heart. She said on-air with Elvis Duran Wednesday, “It’s tough but I just try to remember the good memories and he had a huge heart. I’m just trying to remember the good stuff.”

This particular phone tap meant so much to Lauren, and the entire Elvis Duran and The Morning Show crew was so happy to help her hear her father’s voice again.Lauren explained just how important it was to her as she said, “Yeah I remember it clear as day, I remember where I was, I remember everything that happened and it didn’t go as planned because, like I said he wound up showing up at my apartment to beat the guy up instead of staying on the phone. At the end of it he wound up locking himself in the car because then he was going to call 911 so that was kind of scary, so I had to put a stop to it and say it was a joke.”

The phone tap was done by Skeery years ago, in which he played the part of “Mike.” Lauren’s house guest. Her father was already at Lauren’s apartment waiting for “Mike” to get home from lunch so he could tell “Mike” to pack his stuff and get out of his daughter’s apartment. Lauren’s father got so angry with “Mike” because he was mooching off of Lauren that he threatened to call the police on him.

You can listen to the entire phone conversation with Lauren plus the phone tap below

Photo: Getty