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Jen Gottlieb Teaches Us How To Stay Motivated & Make Powerful Connections

Jen Gottlieb, public relations extraordinaire, is joining us on Elvis Duran and the Morning Show Friday to talk all about motivation and how to make powerful connections, helping entrepreneurs as well as our everyday listeners!

"We have a PR Agency to help entrepreneurs get on media, teach them how to be on the media and learn how to create better businesses. We also teach them how to be more seen," Gottlieb says on her business.

Gottleib gives us 4 of many tips on how to make powerful connections:

  1. Announce your vulnerability
Don’t ever underestimate someone else’s insecurity. The other person next to you may feel awkward too. Announce whatever is weird or uncomfortable and get it out of the way.Β 
  1. Be the most interested in the room not the most interesting.
Ask a million questions and that person when they leave the room will love you.... You made that person feel seen.
  1. Go in with a goal
If you’re focused on a goal then you don’t have time to be nervous. 'My goal is to meet someone and get a selfie with them.' Then all of a sudden you’re not worried.Β 
  1. Follow up
In the conversation I immediately go into Instagram DMs and say it’s so great meeting you and mention something we talked about. So I remember what we talked about... Follow up with value. Everyone needs help with something it’s your job to find out what you can do to help them.Β 

Gottlieb also explains her acronym for H.O.P.E.





As well as leaving us with this quote:

When you love yourself as much as you careΒ what other people think you will change your life.Β 

Watch our full interview with Jen Gottlieb above!