Photo: Getty Images
Usually, when warnings go out about a new trend on TikTok, it's because it centers around something dangerous, like slapping a teacher, licking a public toilet seat, causing yourself to black out, or eating Tide pods. So it is somewhat surprising that the latest warnings are over a trend that deals with studying, however, the trend manages to turn studying into risky behavior.
It's called "Candle Study" and sees students lighting candles before undergoing epic study sessions, using the candle as a timer for how long they plan to study for. The students wrap up their session when the candle has burnt out, which can take many hours. They then post time-lapse videos of their studying on TikTok.
One teacher, Anna Masterson, told the Mirror that "Candle Study" is a "recipe for burnout" since it is not a healthy way to learn. As the chief learning officer at Atom Learning, she's knows a thing or two about that. She stated, "Although it may be tempting for students to exert themselves over many hours, burning out poses the real risks of losing enjoyment, motivation and memory, as well as a decrease in cognitive functioning. All of this harms students' learning process and overall wellbeing – not to mention undoing all of the hard work they've put in so far."
She went on to say, "Our brains require proper, regular breaks to retain information, so four or five hours in a single uninterrupted session will be excessive for most people. Rather than using arbitrary measurements or competing with a candle, it's better for students to maximize shorter but more focused time with their studies. In fact, a single session need not last for more than 45 minutes at a time for 12 years olds and above. It is important for parents to help children form healthy learning habits from an early age, so that they can figure out and have confidence in the methods that work for them."
Anna concluded, "Sharing and learning from others can be helpful at times, but kids should look at the content online with a critical eye, not compare themselves or be distracted by what looks appealing but doesn't actually work."