Last week, Tyler Joseph slipped on a rogue drumstick and injured his ankle during a stop on Twenty One Pilots' Icy Tour. Now, the band has shared video footage of the nasty fall, and the aftermath.
The three-minute-long clip shows Joseph run across the stage, roll his ankle on the stick, and grab onto the ego riser for dear life. Then it cuts to him and Josh Dun backstage, with the singer propped up with a bag of ice on his ankle. “My name’s Tyler, and this is the ‘sprain your ankle on Josh’s drum stick’ trick,” Joseph said, thankfully poking fun at the accident.
“That’s the first time you’ve dropped a stick all tour," he told his bandmate, recalling the series of events. "Josh’s stick flew forward and landed on the deck in front of him. Stayed out there. When I went to go run and jump on the ego riser, I perfectly stepped on it to where it rolled me sideways, and everything gave out. And then I basically just hugged the ego riser to stay onstage!”
“I saw you fall and in the back of my mind I was like, ‘There’s no way. I hope that wasn’t a drum stick – there’s no way,’” Dun said. “And then I saw you pick it up and chuck it and was like, ‘Dude, no!’”
Joseph continued making light of the situation, commenting: “What’s funny to me about this is that it’s only Josh’s fault.”
Thank goodness he was okay and no tour dates were affected by the fall! Watch the whole video below.