We know there’s nothing quite like a father’s love, but when your dad ALSO happens to be a robotic engineer, magical stuff can happen with that love!
Brody sent me this story about 16-year-old Oscar Constanza who has a genetic neurological condition that prevents his nerves from sending enough signals to his legs. So, he’s in a wheelchair.
One day he said to his genius father, Jean-Louis, “why don’t you make a robot that would allow us to walk?” and his dad did just that! It’s incredible!
It’s a complete exoskeleton, fastened to his shoulders, chest, waist, knees, and feet. And is operated by a controller! So Oscar and people in similar situations can eventually get around on their own- Jean-Louis said that in 10 years, thanks to this kind of tech, there will be far fewer wheelchairs in this world if any.
So far, dozens have been sold to hospitals in France, Luxembourg, and the US, for about $176,000 a piece. They aren’t yet available for individuals to purchase, they’d need to be much lighter, but that is the next step. I also hope they will eventually be made more affordable, but a TRULY incredible thing to look forward to.
Thank you, our geniuses of science!