Usually at sporting events, parents are proud of their athlete kids. But at a Nationals game in San Francisco, it ended up being the other way around!
Joe Ross is the team’s pitcher and at their last game, his father Willie was in the crowd.
Willie is a pediatrician, and noticed a woman having a hard time breathing- she was even getting some help from her companion and gestured that she was OK, but when Willie went over to check on her, she still couldn’t speak.
It turns out she was choking, on a hot dog! So the doc snapped into action, gave her the Heimlich maneuver, and BOOM, was able to dislodge the sucker.
Willie said one of the pieces were as big as his thumb to his knuckle, so please. I know you’re excited when at a game, but chew your food well and be careful. No one wants to get taken out by a hot dog.