Today’s Feel Goods comes from Hidarmis Guerra, and it has made me even more obsessed with our teachers.
So in Louisiana, high school senior Daverius Peters was stopped from going into his graduation ceremony because he was not wearing “proper attire.”
He was told he had to be wearing dark dress shoes, and that his fabulous black leather Alexander McQueen sneakers were against the dress code.
Poor Daverius said he was humiliated, and was really confused because his shoes looked like so many other students who were just walking in!
THANKFULLY teacher John Butler was nearby and was NOT about to let that happen. John wasn’t able to persuade the guard to let him in the building as in, so John said SCREW IT! He took off his own shoes and gave them to Daverius.
And thank goodness because come on, it’s the day OF, the kid’s family is in the stands, and they spent almost $150 on the cap and gown. Sooooo I try not to judge people, but boooo on that guard!!!!