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Pokémon Sends Rare Cards To Boy After He Sold His To Pay For Dog's Surgery

This story comes from Kristen Seals, and I know Pokémon fans everywhere, just like myself, will feel this story.

In Virginia, eight-year-old Bryson Killean’s puppy got sick with a highly contagious dog virus. And the family is in a tough time financially, so Bryson knew his parents would have a hard time paying the vet bills.

This precious nugget decided to take matters into his own hands- without his mother’s knowledge, this Pokémon fanatic set up at the side of the road with his cards and a sign that said they were for sale! How freaking adorable?!

He sold his cards, his puppy recovered, and an employee of Pokémon heard about what he did and sent Bryson a large collection of rare cards to help replace what he sold. They even sent over a note that said he inspired them, and that just made him so happy.

There’s a lot of good feelings in this story so thank you Kristen!