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Fraternity Brothers Raise $52,000 To Help Pay Their Chef's Mortgage

Tanya Pavlus sent me this beautiful story, about a group of Louisiana State University, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity brothers!

When these guys were in school, they were all very close with Jessie Hamilton. She was the fraternity cook, and formed quite a bond with the boys. Just one of those incredibly positive, caring energies.

One member, Andrew Fusaiotti, called to see how she was doing during the pandemic. She’s 74-years-old, and he found out she was still working 2 jobs to pay off her mortgage….that didn’t sit right with Andrew. And he turned to multiple generations of his frat.

It was a lot of work, but for Jessie’s 74thbirthday this month, about 90 fraternity brothers raised nearly $52,000, so that she could pay off her home!

Each brother donated on average between $600-$1,000, which is such a generous gift, and now she plans to retire, and visit Hawaii.