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78-Year-Old Plays Piano Every Day At 2pm For His Late Wife

Nigel Shoulders sent me this story and it felt like a movie plot!

In Spain, they’re still dealing with a lockdown situation. And a guy named Giorgio Lo Porto is a pretty skilled pianist, but never played for fun anymore. Until he heard his new neighbor, whom he’s never met.

Every day at 2, this shared-wall neighbor would start to play and Giorgio found it BEAUTIFUL. He even started to tape requests to his neighbor’s door, and soon the two were playing duets!

Giorgio finally mustered the courage to go over and meet this phantom neighbor, and it was a 78-year-old man, who lost his wife to COVID in December. He said the reason he was playing every day at 2 was for her-she loved to listen, and said playing with Giorgio gave him a real sense of purpose during this rough time.

That neighbor is moving this week, but Giorgio promised him to play every day at 2, for his late wife.

Photo: Getty