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Producer Sam Makes A Surprise Announcement

Producer Sam has an announcement to make on today's Elvis Duran and the Morning Show!

Meet Savannah, the newest puppy on the show, adopted by Sam and her boyfriend William. "Her name is Savannah," Sam tells the show, "She's a year old, pit boxer mix and she's from Georgia."

The funny thing is, Sam didn't even exactly choose her. A friend of theirs was fostering Savannah and when Sam and William went to visit their friends, they fell in love with the dog. They were so lucky, as they found out the day after they put in the application for Savannah, she got several more applicants. It all happened 'super fast.'

Sam actually explains on the show that she didn't tell a lot of people about the news, and that they've actually had Savannah in their home for a month now. She tells Elvis that she just wanted to enjoy this time and be happy with the dog before it being announced.

Watch Sam tell the show about her journey to adopt a dog below!