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Total Stranger Gathers Volunteers And Fundraises To Help Fix Woman's House

Chad Crocker sent me an incredible story coming out of Massachusetts.

A handyman/electrician named John Kinney got a call to visit the home of a 72-yea-old woman, Gloria Scott, because a light fixture went out in her home. No big deal, right?

Well, while he was there he saw a SLEW of other things that were wrong with the home!

It had no running water, the ceiling was falling apart, the stairs up to the entryway were dangerously loose, there were plumbing issues, electrical problems, basically you name it and the house needed it fixed.

Unfortunately, money is tight for Gloria and she has no family to help her out.So, John- this stranger- decided to do something about it.

He put out a distress call, and got volunteers and professions of all sorts to come out and donate their time/expertise for FREE! PLUS he started a fundraiser to help with the materials, which in 1.5 months has raised over $110,000!!!!! They are doing everything from rebuilding the roof to painting the outside of the home.

The group has proclaimed themselves Gloria’s Gladiators, and I just can’t believe how big and beautiful their hearts are. They have completely changed the life/perspective of a lovely old woman, who says no once can comprehend the amount of gratitude she has.

Photo: Getty