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Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Helps Bring Puppy 2,000 Miles Home

Garrett sent me this story and I LOVE it!

The Animal Rescue League of El Paso, Texas found 2 stray puppies in a box, on a 103-degree day. Who the heck would do that, I don’t know, but THANKFULLY, these pups were wanted immediately!

A couple in North Carolina saw the photos and fell head over heels for the boy.The only problem is, they live 2,000 miles away, there’s a pandemic going on, and the puppy can’t fly without an escort!

THANKFULLY Southwest Airlines attendant Marcel Stratton found out about this dilemma from a friend, and offered to fly the puppy to his new home during her 2 days off!

It was a 3-flight trip for Marcel and the pup (who is now names Harris), but she loved every minute of the escort. They made a bunch of new friends- really anyone who learned about the story fell in love. And she said “everyone needed to see a little kindness and this puppy brought so much love. The two pilots I had (they) took him for a walk in the airport, and all the passengers on the plane were just wanting to see him.”

It sounds like Harris had a tough start at life, but it thriving in love now! Largely thanks to Marcel!

Photo: Getty