There is a 15-year-old boy from Lakewood, Florida named Lorenzo Liberti, whom is a shining star when it comes to helping his community.
Just a year ago, he met a homeless vet while volunteering at a soup kitchen, and he was so deeply affected by that- that someone who has done so much to help his country, can be (as he says) abandoned by the same country.
So, he picked up the hobby of woodworking, and turns out is pretty god at it! He made a wooden flag for himself, and neighbors started requesting their own.SO he decided he would start to sell them for good causes!
He calls them “Heroic Flags” for “forgotten heroes,” our homeless veterans! He has made 60 flags since starting, spanning over 1,000 hours of carving/painting, and has raised over $13,000!
His plan is to raise $50,000 because even though we are all super preoccupied with what we are dealing with, when it comes to the homeless veterans, “their needs have not been diminished during the pandemic.”
What a great example of using your own personal superpower (something you do well) to seriously benefit others! We are ALL capable of that!