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18-Year-Old Paralympic Swimmer Gifted Free Pool To Help Him Train

Sebastian Galleguillo is an 18-year-old Paralympic swimmer in Buenos Aries.

He’s completely deaf, and found swimming at a young age because it comforted him- you don’t have to hear things in the water to feel at home. He has been training to participate in the 2021 Deaflympics in Brazil, when COVID hit.

He really had been missing the water. PLUS due to not being able to train at his local center, Sebastian told his parents he felt himself getting rusty! So his parents delivered on maybe one of the greatest labors of love I had ever heard of- they build him a pool!

His dad spent days creating this sufficient pool for his son to practice in, using plastic sheets and logs that he drilled into the ground, filling it with an impressive 400 liters of water.

Now- that would be beautiful enough on its own. But it gets better! A nearby man named Sebastian Oviedo heard about what this boy was going through and was so impressed with his parents, that he decided to give him a pool for free!!!!

He was so moved by the story that he couldn’t even tell Sebastian’s family the good news, because he was too busy crying- his girlfriend had to make the phone call!

He said he wanted Sebastian AND his teammates to have a safe place to practice while the city is still shut down. SO LOVELY!