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Once Homeless Teen Graduates High School This Year As Valedictorian

Froggy sent me this story of a Jacksonville, Florida boy that you just want to be proud of!

I think it’s important for us to be reminded of stories like this now more than ever, because many of us are feeling disheartened and maybe unmotivated.So as you try to re-inspire yourself, think about 18-year-old Martin Folsom.

He lives with his mother Melva, who since he was in her belly would read the book “Love You Forever” to Martin, and still today. Their bond, and her support has been so strong, that they’ve persevered through extreme poverty, moving from state to state avoiding her dangerous ex-husband, and even multiple bouts of homelessness.

Martin just graduated high school at A. Philip Randolph Career Academies, where he was class president for all 4 years and even graduated valedictorian with a 3.89 GPA.

And he will soon leave for Valdosta State University where he will pursue a major that will one day allow him to work for the FBI!

So whatever you are experiencing in your personal life today, try to be like Martin. And attack your future head on!