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Sheriff Goes Viral For Joining Protesters In Flint, Michigan

There’s a bunch of stories like this, but this one from Flint Michigan is one of my favorites.

There have been protests all over the country this weekend, but some have been met with brotherhood and empathy by the local police.

Sheriff Chris Swanson met protestors without the usual officer attire, and let the crowd know that the only reason he and his team were there was to make sure that they had a voice! He and his fellow officers walked with the protestors, to show they believe in the reasons behind the protest, and that officers as a group, are not the enemies.

And I want to thank every officer out there who has done something to act WITH these groups of people:

That includes the large group of police officer in Coral Gables, Florida who kneeled during a protest!

That included the officers in Camden New Jersey carrying a banner saying “Standing in Solidarity” chanting “no justice, no peace!”

That includes the officer in Fargo, North Dakota holding hands with protesters holding the sign “We are one race….the HUMAN race.”

…and many, MANY more!