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The New Way To Get Revenge On An Ex Is Hiring A Porn Star To Yell At Them

The latest trend in revenge is what one dominatrix is calling, 'spite porn.' Right now you can hire a porn star to make a sexy video for your ex, but then right when the video is getting hot..... the porn star will start berating your ex and telling them exactly why they're a horrible person.

Dominatrix, Allie Knox, has started specializing in these 'spite porn' videos. She charges $10 a minute to make a video where she yells at your ex. She tweeted "Thanks to the men in my life that have sucked and given me so much material to work with." 

“A woman just ordered a custom video from me to send to her ex husband and have me shame him for all the s - - t he did while they were together,” Knox excitedly tweeted on Wednesday. The cam girl takes video requests via a few websites plus “fetish Skypes” that start at 10 bucks per minute.

The mystery woman hired Knox to get out some anger she had on her ex.

“His porn obsession, his narcissism, how he is self absorbed. Stuff that could speak to most men,” according to an interview Knox gave to Rolling Stone. The cam girl calls her victim a “stupid, careless, selfish son-of-a-bitch” three minutes into the otherwise sexy show.

“I’ve befriended your ex-wife,” says Knox, who works as a financial dominatrix, from the floor of her closet.

Get your X-rated scolding today!

Photo: Getty