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Nebraska Teacher Moved To Tears By Act Of Kindness From His Students

A Nebraska middle school teacher was moved to tears by an act of kindness from his students.

About two weeks ago, middle school teacher, Trey Payne, had an expensive pair of basketball shoes stolen from his classroom. All of his students at Logan Fontenelle Middle School in Bellevue, Nebraska were shocked and upset about the incident and decided to all pitch in and buy their teacher a new pair to replace his stolen ones. A video of Payne being surprised was filmed by his students and is now going viral! In the video, Payne is seen taking off his glasses and crying as his students rush around him to give him a big group hug. The video can now be seen on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Instagram!

“It’s more than a pair of shoes," Payne explains. "It's about doing stuff to build everyone up around you. I try to show my kids this and I think the lesson has sunk in for many, in turn, reaffirming my purpose and my ideals." Payne definitely emphasized the importance of kindness in his classroom, and the kind gesture from his students proves so. His students explained that Payne always made time for them when no one else would and treated everyone with respect. We can definitely see that Trey Payne is a great role model for his students!

Since the video, Payne has been receiving kind messages from people all around the country!

See the beautiful act of kindness above!

Photo: YouTube