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Elvis Duran Finds His High School Fake ID

Did you ever have a fake ID before you were legally allowed to drink alcohol? Elvis Duran did! After finding his old ID, he started to wonder if listeners have kept their old fake IDs and if anyone had any crazy fake ID stories.

Caller Justin tells Elvis how he and his friends kept their fake IDs after they turned 21- they even used them recently! The story takes a funny turn when Justin explains how one of his friends got caught by a cop while trying to use the fake ID.

Then, caller Jamie confesses to Elvis how she used to dye her hair to look just like her sister so she could use her fake ID which left him in shock! Lastly, caller Tara tells Elvis how her parents found her fake ID laying around her bedroom so they took it and turned it into an ornament on their Christmas tree that year! 

Be sure to check out the full stories by listening to the clip above.

Photo: Getty

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