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Intern Blog: I WAS ON AIR

It began like any other day. I woke up to a 4:30 A.M. alarm, came into work, printed out the Danielle Report and began looking for the first caller of the day. 

Working at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, I've become accustomed to eating lunch before 8 A.M. I was eating Bon Chon chicken at 7:20 in the morning when all of a sudden I hear Elvis say, "Where's intern Claire?" I didn't even have time to prepare myself before I was behind the microphone in the studio! 

I was FREAKING OUT internally. It sounds SO much different when you're on air versus when you're just listening to the show. It's easy to forget that your voice is being broadcast to MILLIONS of listeners! I was proud of myself for keeping my cool!

I talked about how my girlfriend and I received a Venmo request for $30 after attending a party where we barely ate or drank anything. I thought this was unfair and refused to pay the charge. 

Afterwards, I texted all my friends and family to tell them that I was ON AIR. It was definitely one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. 

I'm having so much fun at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. I'm learning so much about the radio industry, and developing my skills with Pro-Tools, NeoScreener, and Audacity. 

Keep up with my adventures and follow me on Instagram @kuhlaireeetz