I'm all about these guys!!! But you have to read a little bit about the company to know why....... anywhoo, I constantly have lip balm on me- it's like an extension of my arm! Usually I'm pretty bland with my "flavors," but I recently I discovered the brand Bitch Stix!
They are an organic, GMO and cruelty-free beauty brand that not only has some incredible lip balms, but they have body products too! From "Quit Your Bitchin'" Muscle Rub to "Son Of A Bitch" Anti-Chafe chapstick!
WHY the word "Bitch"? Here's a little snip from their site:
"The reappropriation of the word BITCH subverts the use of the word as a tool of oppression to dominate or shame a person, into the opportunity of empowerment. When language is used to oppress or control someone, we have to be aware, be courageous, and take a stand....."