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INTERN BLOG: I Skipped Class For Brody and Skeery

Don't tell anyone but I recently skipped class, but only because Skeery Jones and David Brody were at Brooklyn College! They spoke about the beginning of the Elvis Duran and the Morning Show and introduced Jamie and me as their radio interns! I was happy to be there, because it was nice to know that there were so many people interested in radio. Jamie and I had a huge swarm of people asking us about our internship, the do's and donts on a cover letter and what it is like interning for the Elvis Duran show. It was as if I was looking at my sophomore year old self, because so many students didn't realize how many resources Brooklyn College had until they were presented to us.

It was awesome to hear how Brody started his career in the morning show, because he made what got him in trouble in high school, into an actual job where he is now able to make a living producing jokes or creating parodies of songs.

If you have a passion and you are good at it, follow it because you truly don't know if the degree you are going for is the career you are going to have for the rest of your life.

My advice to anyone who is struggling to get an internship:

- seriously invest in mentors who will help reconstruct your resume and cover letter. Those are the two key things you use to list the great qualities you can bring to the company.

- study why you want to intern at iHeartMedia or anywhere for that matter. Why can they benefit from you and what can you learn from them?

- if you're a media communications/tv radio major, immerse yourself into any project you can get. Don't stick to what you know, this way you can learn about it and pick and choose what you actually like. Give yourself some options!!

- theres an endless amount of opportunities within a company, don't limit yourself to just one.

Internships are all about learning about yourself. Get to know what you love, what you don't like, and what you think you can do better!

