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INTERN BLOG: Madison's Advice For Future Interns


I'm deciding to take a different approach for this blog, because I want to share how I develop my intern topics for The Morning Show and "Millennial Rant." I know that blank stare at the wall when you don't know where to start a topic or when you don't have a topic. I base a lot of my topics on funny things that have happened to me, crazy relationship and dating stories, or I'll introduce a topic that I read off of Buzzfeed that pertains to my life. Also, you don't only have to use Buzzfeed, but who doesn't love BuzzFeed? When I first started writing my topics, I used to overthink them so much that I would recite them to my friends. They thought "yeah, your topics are interesting, but you are wearing me out with the story. I've heard it a million times." 

Step One: Don't think so hard. Your life is interesting enough to talk about!!

Step Two: You want to give each topic an unexpected twist, this way all your topics remain funny, relatable, and conversational. This is important because you want your topics to engage the audience. Show them who's boss with the topics... girl/boy, whoever you are!

Step Three: Sometimes the story you start with is not the story you end up with and that is okay. Look for other topics or ideas that relate to you, make you laugh, and make your friends laugh. Have your friends contribute an opinion or two. This will help your topic list grow!

Step Four: I know you're probably drowning in so much work, but make time to create stories. This means stop being a couch potato and go out with friends. Say something you would never say, and most importantly step out of your comfort zone. It's so out of style to remain comfortable anyways!

Finally you'll think "Wow, look at me go with a full cart of topics. I am so cool."

