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Coldplay Fan in Wheelchair Crowd Surfs to the Stage!


Imagine going to a concert and then, like a dream come true, YOU'RE on-stage with the artist! That's what happened one particular Coldplay fan who crowd surfed all the way to the stage in his wheelchair. 

After noticing the 29-year-old man in a wheelchair being lifted in the air, Chris Martin asked the crowd to help him out. The fan was soon brought to the stage and enjoyed the absolute best view of Chris Martin doing what he does best.

“A lad accidentally fell on me and was extremely apologetic. He and his friends insisted on lifting me and getting me a better view,” Rob told BBC News. Well, he has those friends to thank for all 83,000 fans in the Dublin area who cheered him on. 

Is it possible to love Coldplay any more than we already do?
