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'Largest Underwater Scanning Project' Ever Offers New Look At The Titanic

Undated artist impression showing the 14

Photo: Getty Images

A team of scientists working with deep-sea mapping company Magellan and Atlantic Productions has captured stunning new images of the Titanic.

The team sent two submersibles, named Romeo and Juliet, 12,500 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean to scan the remains using state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology. The submersibles spent over 200 hours underwater, painstakingly scanning every millimeter of the ship across the three-mile debris field at the bottom of the ocean.

After they completed the scans, the team began assembling the 700,000 images they took, creating a 'digital twin' of the doomed ocean liner.

Parks Stephenson, who has studied the Titanic for many years, told the BBC that he was "blown away" by the detailed scans.

"It allows you to see the wreck as you can never see it from a submersible, and you can see the wreck in its entirety, you can see it in context and perspective. And what it's showing you now is the true state of the wreck," Stephenson said.