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Figuring out what to name a baby can be a stressful time for any expectant couple, there are so many to choose from and you both have to agree on one, but the process became way more challenging for one pair because during it, they found out they were related.
Marcella Hill shared her story on TikTok in a video that had the word "confession" across it. She began the clip bluntly stating, "So I've never told anyone publicly that I accidentally married my cousin." Marcella then explained that she and her husband were both looking at their family trees online, trying to get inspiration for possible baby names. Marcella read aloud names of family members and when she rattled off the names of her grandmother and grandfather, her husband said, "Oh that's funny, we have the same grandma and grandpa's names."
At that point, Marcella looked at his family tree, seeing many similarities to hers and let him know he was still logged in on her account, but as they looked closer, they realized her grandpa is actually his grandma's first cousin. Marcella immediately called her grandfather and her husband called his grandmother who confirmed the discovery, adding that they lived together growing up as children. That means Marcella and her husband are third cousins.
Marcella has no intention of breaking up with her husband in light of the news, and is even able to joke about it, saying, "When I go to my family reunion, he gets to go to his too - at the same time."
Commenters weren't too shocked by her story, writing things like, "3rd cousins are pretty far removed," and, "That's far enough apart. Crazy coincidence though."
Others were surprised this wasn't discovered sooner, like at their wedding. Marcella responded to that with another video explaining how they got hitched at a courthouse without family.
Interestingly, as one commenter noted, Marcella's baby is its own fourth cousin. You can see more from Marcella on her TikTok.