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After hosting Wheel of Fortune for over 40 years, some people think Pat Sajak has gotten a little too comfortable in his role. He's made some headlines recently with his on-air behavior and comments. Some of the stories are a little embarrassing, like when he said "lift the ceiling" instead of "raise the roof," and when he accidentally opened the prize for the final round before the puzzle or unintentionally revealed a puzzle's solution. Others have been less charming, like when made a suggestive comment to a contestant, called a contestant ungrateful, accused a contestant of lying, and had a rather icy exchange with a player over a bad pun. However, the thing that caused many viewers to call for Sajak's resignation was when he allegedly made fun of a player's lisp. Now, he seems to have mocked another contestant.
It happened during the bonus round with a player named Jimmy. Things were off to a rough start when Pat chastised the contestant over standing in the right place, asking him multiple times if he was on his mark. Then came the puzzle. The category was "event" and after all the letters were chosen, Jimmy was looking at a puzzle that showed "_ N _ ORM _ L _ _ T _ ER _ N _." He couldn't figure out what it was, thinking that the first word was "abnormal" and unable to get that out of his head.
As Vanna revealed that the correct response was "informal gathering," Pat said to Jimmy, "I don't know where abnormal came from," and laughed. He added, "I've been to some abnormal gatherings," then stated, "He was way off his mark," referencing the issue from before the puzzle. Even though he lost $40,000 by not getting the bonus round right, Jimmy had a good attitude about everything, saying that he had a "great time" on the show.
While he didn't win the bonus round, Jimmy was still a winner, taking home $12,350 and a trip to Puerto Rico.