If you've been experiencing Zoom fatigue lately, you're not alone. In an effort to help those feeling a little tired of constant video calls amid the ongoing pandemic, Coors Light launched a website that will help you sneak out of them for a quick break. Here's everything you need to know.
The Coors Light Clone Machine allows you to record a 30-second loop of yourself looking interested and engaged for your next video call. Or, as Coors Light puts it, it's "just enough time to sneak in a trip to the fridge for a cold beer." For others, though, it might be enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee, head to the bathroom or maybe even get up and stretch.
For those interested in sneaking away from their video calls for a quick break, you can visit www.coorslight.com/clonemachine to make your own 30-second video loop. The site has a "hassle-free interface" that allows users to "record and save a video of yourself nodding along politely, with the occasional smile, while your boss talks about the latest budget reports or your friend wants to put her new baby on to talk for the millionth time."
It's really just three easy steps. According to Coors Light, all you have to do is "record, make it your background, and quickly sneak off to enjoy a cold one - simple as that."
Will you be giving the Coors Light Clone Machine a try?
Photo: Getty