Producer Jake Is Back Giving Us Tips On How To Travel Alone

Jake The Producer, the former video producer for Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, returned to the show Wednesday, January 29 to talk about his new adventures at Empathy Wines and his most recent adventure, traveling alone to Paris with no agenda.

"I booked a flight to Paris, went alone for 48 hours with absolutely no plan," says Jake to Elvis Duran, "I paid $258 for a round trip to Paris and booked my hotel off of Hilton points." The show was astonished with how inexpensive this trip would be for him, however they were more shocked when he told them what he did when he got there.

"I wanted to live like a local.... So I went on Hinge and found a girl and I spent the entire weekend with her." The two met at a coffee shop and spent 8 hours together exploring Paris. He did however spend a lot of his second day exploring the sites by himself saying 'wow' out loud despite no one being with him. How would he rate his experience? "11 out of 10", Jake says.

What would be his advice for anyone wanting to travel alone? "Do it!" He goes on to mention though that you should really research where you are staying and read up on the culture.

You can watch Jake's entire chat with Elvis below!

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