People Are Furious At Gandhi Over Vanilla Ice Cream (Listen)

It's National Ice Cream Day and our girl Gandhi is gettin' real about her hatred for the flavor.

Elvis loves vanilla, but Gandhi is adamant that it's boring and people who love it have bad taste! Listeners called in to challenge Gandhi's vanilla views, but no one could change her mind. She's sticking to her ice cream beliefs.

"It's the most non-flavor of all the flavors," Gandhi told the room. "They call boring people vanilla for a reason!"

Listen to the National Vanilla Ice Cream Day argument go down in the clip below!

Gandhi Got A Diamond Set On Her Tooth (Video)

Gandhi decided to do something she's always wanted to do while we were on vacation: get a diamond embedded on her tooth!

Greg T Grills Hot Dogs And Hamburgers For Everyone Except Gandhi

Did Gandhi Hook-Up With Her Friend This Weekend? We Need A Definition!

Let's get real here... what exactly is the definition of hooking-up? Gandhi hung out with a friend over the weekend and they kissed. Danielle says that kissing means hooking-up, but Gandhi and Elvis say the definition of hooking-up included sexual organs!

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