Video Shows Dramatic Rescue Of Woman In Sinking Car

Oh my goodness, the absolute DRAMA that is this Feel Goods submission!

In Florida, a woman was driving on a causeway when something went wrong, and she plunged into the river.

One bystander watched this car flip over 2 or 3 times, and called 911 while sprinting across the street to flag down Officer Peter Dolci III who was conducting traffic nearby.

Officer Dolci got in that water immediately where another good Samaritan was already in the water, with his shirt off, holding the unconscious driver’s head above water.

There’s body cam footage, and you can hear the random hero pleading to the officer, “can you get this glass broken? I don’ t care if it cuts me, she’s gonna die!”

Officer Luke Drummer arrived to help, they pulled her out to safety, and administer CPR which saved her life, because it finally had her breathing before medics got on there. And if it wasn’t for the man in water, she may have been submerged too long for CPR to work in the first place!

What heroes!

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