Aaron Halifax lives in Nova Scotia, and hasn’t seen his mother since 2019 thanks to a four-hour drive and of course, the pandemic’s travel restrictions.
He recently learned his mother has a terminal liver disease. So of course, Aaron had to find a way to her.
Canada has so many travel restrictions to work around for him, BUT he has a Class-1 license, which allows him to drive a truck, and since truck drivers are considered essential workers, he thought maybe he could score a gig delivering a payload to his mother’s town!
Aaron placed an ad on a popular classified site, telling his whole story, thinking it was a long shot, and was BOMBARDED with offers!
There were job offers, financial help offers, someone even wanted to give his mother a liver! He had to turn his phone off, he was so overwhelmed!
Thankfully Aaron took a job, he’s getting vaccinated, and he’s on his way to spend much needed time with his mother.
Thank you to my mystery story sender!