Amazon Delivery Driver Saves Dog Drowning In Water

Mel Cas sent me this beautiful story of the world’s greatest Amazon delivery driver, John Cassabria.

He was on his route in Woburn, Massachusetts, when he noticed a little black nose bobbing up and down in a backyard pool.

John realized, it was actually a dog, and the poor thing was struggling to keep its head above water!

John got out of his truck, hopped the fence, and with his phone, wallet, and watch on him, he jumped into the water. He said he had no other concern in the world at the moment, and would do it all again. Thankfully, he managed to save this 14-year-old Husky named Luka, who has hip issues and would not have been able to get himself out of the water.

He probably fell in when he noticed a bone wrapped up in the pool hose. His family was on vacation, and the dog sitter wasn’t showing up for another 90 minutes. So John just sat out there with Luka so he wouldn’t be alone, and went back to work when the sitter arrived.

There are very few things in this world I would ruin my phone and watch for, but saving the life of a dog is one of them. Thank you John!

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