Our Favorite Elvis Duran 'Diva' Moments

In honor of Elvis Duran's birthday on Wednesday, we took to on-air (while he was off for the day due to power outages) to all mention our favorite Elvis 'diva' moments throughout the years.

When Elvis heard we did this, he wanted us to retell them to him on-air for the 15 Minute Morning Show. Danielle was quick to defend herself saying that it may have been her idea to jokingly talk about Elvis's diva moments, but she wasn't the one to start or execute it! Elvis was excited to hear what stories we told though and with that Danielle told the story from back in the day when she was the one booking the guests for the show.

Danielle says when she would book guests, she would always tell Elvis who she booked. However, when the day actually came for the guest to come in, Elvis insisted he had no idea, and didn't want that guest to come in. Danielle then began making a sheet for when she booked celebrities to come to the show that Elvis would have to sign to prove to his later self that he did know who was coming in when!

Watch the show tell more stories like this one above!

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