After Losing His Parents, High School Senior Now Has Care For 2 Brothers

This story from Nicole Nagle is just heart-wrenching to me in so many ways. BUT, ultimately, makes me feel really good!

Brandon Anderberg is graduating high school in Edison, New Jersey, however he’s not been able to truly enjoy this accomplishment in his life. And that’s because he has bigger fish to fry.

Brandon has 2 brothers, Robert and Conner, and a while ago they lost their father. As if that was not enough pain for young boys to go through, recently they just lost their mother who had been ill for a long time. Now, Brandon is the main care taker of the household.

And with that tragedy- the boys had a whole other issue facing them: they were going to lose their home. There was a huge mortgage due as well as back taxes, and these young boys were not going to cover it.

Thankfully, a close friend decided to start a GoFundMe and see if the generosity of strangers would do enough. Well, days later, not only has their $125,000 mortgage been taken care of, but the site is now up to over $200,000 for these three, to relieve living expenses while Brandon starts school and they figure what to do next.

People are reaching out to schedule times to drop off food, people are calling with clothes they have, and even the college Brandon is going to had people from the staff reach out to personally help him pick classes.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in some way, because I can’t imagine losing a loved one AND having those worries on top. What a beautiful community. If you would like to donate to the cause, go to their GoFundMe page here.

Photo: Getty

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