The Cast Of Netflix's 'On My Block' Talk On-Set Chemistry

The newest season of “On My Block” has officially made its arrival on Netflix! “On My Block” follows a group of street-savvy friends who are trying to navigate their way through high school, and the show captures all the triumph and pain on their way.

Sam Rosalie sits down with the stars of the Netflix Original, Diego Tinoco, Jason Genao, Brett Gray, Jessica Marie Garcia and Sierra Capri.

Sam asks the cast if they hit it off right away, and they all agreed that they became friends right from the start. Garcia, who stars as Jasmin on-screen, says that they get along so well that they’re always talking to one another. “To be honest they have tell us to be quiet a lot.”

Capri, who plays Monse, chimes in and says “We’re really a family. We really do help each other in situations and through tough times, so I think that is evident on screen.”

The show has a lot of dark themes, so Sam is curious as to how they could make such a dark show that included heartbreak and murder all while making the audience laugh. Gray, who plays Jamal, states “I think we have both extremes and everything in the middle. We have the extremely hilarious characters and then we have the extremely storylines and they all interact with each other and intermix.”

The cast also discusses how they had no idea how the season was going to end, how they keep in touch when they’re not filming, and how they need to be vulnerable with one another to work together.

Watch the full interview above!

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