Elvis Duran Says Skeery's Shirt Reminds Him Of His Grandma's Wallpaper

Elvis Duran went on-air saying that Skeery's shirt reminds him of his grandmother's wallpaper. Brody chimed in and said Skeery's shirt reminds him of "when you pull off the wood paneling from your basement or pull off bathroom tiles - that's the wallpaper that you find."

Plenty of texts and comments came through with people claiming more things this pattern reminds them of! One listener said it reminder her of "a west coast Victoria’s Secret dressing room," another says, "my MySpace background circa 2004." We also had a lot of comments from people saying the shirt reminds them of 'Miami Vice' or a Florida hotel room.

Take a look below! What does the pattern of Skeery's shirt remind you of?

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